I thought originally that they wouldn't "fortify" the midterms, since they still had Clueless Joe swinging away at home plate with his Executive Orders, but now I think differently.

What better way to demoralize the Deplorables and potentially stoke a violent outburst from disenfranchised, fed-up white people than to steal another election. It's a two-for for our Deep State. They quash investigations and look prescient in finally getting a violent outburst from White Supremacists/Christian Nationalists. Then the tyranny REALLY gets underway. The Globalist war on the middle class has to start soon, according to the Agenda 2030 time schedule.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Could you kindly translate the garbled "Conclusion" paragraph? Someone forgot to make sense.

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Oh, this is genius! I read through to the Pennsylvania paragraph where the prior text was well-written and completely comprehensible. Then I get to the first sentence under PA and I'm like..."Uh, wait a sec. Let me re-read that first sentence..." Which I did and it was still nonsensical, but I thought, "OK, the Good Citizen made some edits, but left in things that screwed up the first sentence."

Forging ahead, I see the same gobbledygook, and then the light finally dawns on Marblehead as the saying goes in my former city of residence, Boston. "Ah...gobbledygook, Pennsylvania, incoherent candidate..." And then I just started laughing at every single line. OMG, hilarious!

Same goes for the Conclusion. That's some good stuff, Good Citizen. I know it's a very serious topic, but that is, as my hubs would say, "some funny shit."

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I would be hard pressed to choose a phrase, sentence or paragraph to highlight as my favorite. Your writing only gets sharper, driving deeper into the target. For a while I had to look away. It can become debilitating.

I watched a documentary https://stopworldcontrol.com/monopoly/ that has left me with no way to cover my eyes. What is really going on, is now burned into my white matter. Reading your words express what we (those awake) are all seeing and feeling. Thank you again GC!

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Probably took you longer to compose that PA analysis than it did the entirety of the others. After all, you aren't stroked out and nearly braindead like our erstwhile leaders and their acolytes vying for a place at the government trough.

Having higher than average intelligence makes it all the more difficult to fake borderline retardation, but I have to hand it to you, your command of language and the written word was able to make a darned fine fake.

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Ilhan Omar was my representative until I moved recently. She typifies liberal delusion. Thrice married, cheated on her baby daddy during a campaign, with the guy running her advertising, went on to give his company a million dollars. If she were a white male she would be condemned as a monster. Lately she has turned into a war pig, helping to launder money through Ukraine.

incidentally, Dominion is defined as "Control or the exercise of control. A territory or sphere of influence or control; a realm." So is that just a signal from the regime mocking us, a conspiracy right out in the open as a kind of set up to eternally gaslight?

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Apart from one or two exceptions, one should shift any given poll result +5 R to get a true picture of the public mood. It could have been put down to demoralised leftbots on furlow, killing time between futile zoom meetings by registering to online panels and furiously typing Orange Man Bad at every juncture, but it's become blatantly obvious it's a ply to demoralise and suppress R voters.

After all the Dem bullshit of "most secure elections ever" to have them pivot to already questioning the validity of the midterms should demonstrate to anyone how utterly poisonous they are.

Even if Trump does nothing else there should 200ft tall statues erected around the world and on the fucking moon to celebrate him keeping Hilary away from the Whitehouse.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Knowing, as I do, that Republicans aren't really going to do anything to save the country, I'm looking at the bright side of Fetterman winning a stolen election. Imagine what his acceptance speech will be like.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The words 'career politician' should not, cannot, describe any citizen.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Nicely done.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Fixing an election for ANOTHER brain dead guy from 2020 for 2022 is easy peasy. Now is the time for some very good people to do some very bad things to some very bad people. It's now or never on Nov.9 .

Time to go all BLM on their ass3s.

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Pennsylvania SLAYED ME. Thank you for the best (only?) laugh of the day.

Reminded me of the written instructions that always accompany the crap we get from Chinese manufacturers... :-)

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I have to give them some credit. They took clown world to a level I never imagined possible.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

What a remarkable well thought, and written article. Thank you!

I’m inspired and energized to know that intelligent and capable people like you exist! How can we clone a million times more?

While I trimmed down to only like-minded for my circle of friends, an Ocean of brainwashed incapable of thinking “dispensible tax-paying debt slaves” surrounds my work environment (where, unfortunately, I must spend most of my time so that I can pay the bills).

The overly educated people of modern society are killing every possible aspect of true democracy with their ignorance, egotistical lifestyles, and obsession with fitting into the frame of a corrupt society.

I work with hundreds of highly educated MDs, clinical and non-clinical VPs, directors, etc.

They all have one thing in common: blindly following up on the leading governmental and medical authorities' directives without question.

If one dares to question the narrative - they are gone the next day:(.

Unless the overly educated/upper-class masses start to use their intelligent minds and skills to see the real problems and unify under the common goal of seeking the truth & logic before anything else - nothing will ever change.

All I can do for now is to stay below the radar and mind my priorities so that my family can survive.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

To be honest, think MI and probably IL have perfected The Cheat more the NY.

FWIW, a regional observation; I'm in central ohio, and we have a senate seat up for grabs, as well as a governor race. There are minimal signs up for the senate race, and really, the only ones you see are from the R candidate. I haven't seen any signs for the governor race at all. Lots of tv ads for the senate and congressional seats; local cable provider has news, and they are all about the D candidates. Ohio is kind of a purple state; blue cities, red outside of the cities.

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"It’s become another corporate-state money laundering operation while attention snatching to distract and demoralize a public that desperately grasps for ‘hope and change’ every few years only to find there is little of either on offer anywhere."

Agree. It's all beyond theatre and a joke now. Time for something new.

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