Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

It is amazing the delusions that people can live by and how words are used to help perpetuate the delusion. Being in deep sleep -- at a low level of consciousness is called being 'woke'. 'Thinking' is reduced to sound bites. When exposed to other points of view there is anger and name calling rather than rebuttal. It's as if to say, "You bastard, don't try to get me to think."

The Party trained who back their team no matter what, similar to a sporting event. History has shown us what The Party trained are capable of doing and it isn't pretty.

To be "well informed" through MSM and to shun information from outside the MSM zone.

Some can heal. Some are perm-mutated (permanemtly mutated).

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Brrrrrrr... and I thought I could write :-)

It will pass. It will come to an end. This ideology feeds on itself, it destructs itself. For what happens if intersectionality over intersectionality is applied to construct the hierarchy of victimhood? The individual remains. And it will turn out (as it should be) that the group is there only to further the individual, not the other way around. The phrase "team player" is also a good example of this newspeak. It presumes sacrifice. How much are you willing to give up to be part of the team?

As this goes on, more and more people will find that they have reached their limits of participation. They will realise that, no matter how great the sacrifice to the team, the team will not be there for them. Because eventually, the ideology is going to come for them too. They will find themselves out of the boat, either by coming to a realisation themselves, or being forced out. And it is only possible to reason and think independantly and critically once you're out of the cult. It will not take everybody, but it will take a critical mass.

It will end, there is no question about that. But alas, the better question is how much death, suffering and misery lies between now and then?

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

This article resonates with the book I’m reading at the moment: Why Borders Matter by Frank Furedi.

Emotional incontinence, conspicuous compassion- but only for those on the ever expanding list of approved minorities- grievance mongering, shouty pile-ons, wokery pokery and insidious mission creep, facilitated by mendacious opportunistic political , media and business movers and shakers.

How to resist? Are there enough of us?

A mounting concern of mine is that, as this lunacy embeds itself, our infrastructure will start to buckle: frankly barmy moves to ‘decolonise’ maths, physics and engineering education with the aim of fostering equality of outcomes and inclusivity could well have disastrous consequences for public safety and order.

Will bridges, buildings, power stations , transport hubs and vehicles be designed and built by the socially right-on but mathematically challenged?

If we pursue the madness of Open Borders to its ultimate conclusion, what will become of civil responsibility ,loyalty and , dare I say, patriotic obligations? The latter now derided by those-in-the-know.

To national stability and social cohesion?

Stripped of all that gives us stability, identity and purpose, how will we function?

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Amazing article.

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"All the maladjusted malcontents misanthropic easily duped humorless joyless cult loving blue haired neo Marxist bums of our beautiful world are in power everywhere and they quickly want us back in the caves." oh, thaaaat's gooood, Citizen. And it's only one of the many linguistic jewels embedded in your essay. Jane's second paragraph in her comment is its equal, I might add.

I don't like caves, and I won't dwell in one.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Holy friken crap! What a great article. No more coffee for me today.

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Great article. Right on the money. A reality few can see.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Great essay! Academia seems like a scary place to be right now, so for the time being it’s good to have someone smart and thoughtful as yourself on the inside.

The only other word I would add to your list that gets shouted often by these folks is misinformation. They are frequently “reporting” and tattling on others due to their problematic misinformation, right? 😂

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Caution! Speaking freely gets in the way of the illusionary World of Nice™️, and is to be avoided by those on the “right side of history”…..

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

You are spot-on about the role of language. The following link is to the full essay but here are the first three of seven factors that are covered ( http://werex.org/a-general-theory-of-financial-relativity/ ) :

The following seven cognitive clarifications and adjustments provide the final perceptional tweaking needed to bring the reality of the global pretended-banking system [and most everything else] into focus.

1. Humans are highly cogno-linguistic. We perceive reality largely by the language that we use to describe it. Most everyone believes and presumes that you have to be able to think something before you can say it. The more dominant reality is that, above a certain base level of perception and communication, you have to have the words and language by which to say something before you can think it. Whosoever controls language – controls the mind.

2. The world is ever-increasingly controlled and administered by people who genuinely believe whatever is necessary for the answer they need. Administrative agents of the entrenched-money-power have solved the criminal-law enigma of mens rea or guilty mind by evolving or devolving (take your pick) into professional-schizophrenics who genuinely believe whatever they need to believe for the answer they need, and who communicate among themselves subconsciously by how they name things, and by how things are named for them. They suffer a cogno-linguistically-induced diminished capacity that renders them incapable of perceiving reality beyond labels.

3. Their core business model or modus operandi is the systematized delusion:

“A “systematized delusion” is one based on a false premise, pursued by a logical process of reasoning to an insane conclusion ; there being one central delusion, around which other aberrations of the mind converge.” Taylor v. McClintock, 112 S.W. 405, 412, 87 Ark. 243. (West’s Judicial Words and Phrases (1914)).


Hope it helps. Tim.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

This time I am left wondering what is the point to all these words? I ignore so much talk and do what my conscience tells me and what I see with my own eyes. I am no longer in a classroom so cannot accept or reject what is claimed today about what is taught esp to kids. However, I am unclear if this is a racist rant or a rant against being felt compelled to act nice. I know there is injustice in where polluting industries are placed and in the attitude of many police towards people of color. I only feel compelled to be polite to everyone and learn their story by being aware than anyone of any color can have malintent. I have never felt compelled to believe anything regarding what you seem so worked up over.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The left is using words to force their idea of progress down the throats of an unsuspecting mass that is far too compliant and "nice". They have a win by any means necessary and we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. See the problem yet? The nice, Christian conservatives will get rolled over by the any means necessary crowd and until the gas chamber doors click shut will be granting forgiveness and making excuses. Time to stop being nice and giving in to the madness. Time to stand up and fight back by any means necessary. Resist.

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I do use "so" and "like" on occasion, but not in the context you put them. Never heard the "like" thin until I met my future hubby (and he is anything but woke!). Plus my book characters do use in dialog "like" as they "grew up in the 70s and 80s. I guess "like" stemmed from that time, but now seems universal. As an author and a home schooling parent (and both my kids are anything but woke!), I do appreciate how you explained the "word salad" in use today. Thanks! https://omegabooksnet.com

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Twitter now blocking a member of the UK’s Vaccine Confidence Project. How ironic.


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